Join a Community Workshop

  • Updated


Panorama offers a variety of Community Workshops, which are live, one-to-many virtual trainings led by members of our Teaching & Learning team. Through Community Workshops, you will build awareness of what resources are available through your Panorama products. You will also be equipped with foundational knowledge, skills, and resources to navigate the data and features in our platforms that elevate your students’, and stakeholders’ voices in order to make data-informed decisions to support your community holistically.

If you are new to working with Panorama or want a refresher on accessing, navigating, and understanding the tools, features, and reports in your Panorama platform, we recommend you join us for a Community Workshop.  ________________________________________________________________________________________

Below you'll find a menu of current Community Workshop offerings; you can register for workshops that are occurring on a weekly basis. New dates and times are added regularly, so check back for more! Please note that available times are listed in 'Eastern' time.

Core Offering Live Sessions

Preparing For Your Survey Administration                                                 

We recommend attending this session if you are preparing to champion the survey administration process for students, teachers and staff, and/or families at your school as a Survey Coordinator! Survey Coordinators play an important role in ensuring that survey respondents and members of your school community feel empowered and excited to share their voices and feedback through our various survey instruments. At the end of this workshop, you will walk away with an understanding of your role and responsibilities as Survey Coordinator and what to expect before, during, and after the survey window.  (60 minutes)  

  • 📅 Register for the next live session here! (All times are listed in EST)
  • 🎥 Watch an on-demand recording of a previous session (Panorama account required)
  • 📖 Review survey coordinator resources for the Preparing for Your Survey Administration session

Navigating Survey Reports

We recommend attending this session if you are preparing to review survey results, or if you would like a refresher on how to access and interpret results. During this workshop we'll walk through navigating district, school, and student level reports and spend time discussing Panorama’s Playbook and strategies to take action on data in support of your students.  (60 minutes)

  • 📅 Register for the next live session here! (All times are listed in EST)
  • 🎥 Watch an on-demand recording of a previous session (Panorama account required)
  • 📖 Review resources for survey reports

Navigating Student Success: Teacher & School Admins

We recommend attending this session if you are in your first year of using Student Success or want a refresher on the platform’s main features across different dashboards. Throughout this workshop you will learn about what Panorama Student Success is and the role it can play in supplementing the systems and structures in place at the school and classroom level to support the whole child. We will also review how to navigate the School and Teacher Home Pages, in addition to the tools you can use to create targeted groups and interventions to support your work with students in your school communities. (60 minutes)  

  • 📅 Register for the next live session here! (All times are listed in EST)
  • 🎥 Watch an on-demand recording of a previous session (Panorama account required)
  • 📖 Review resources for navigating Student Success

Watch a Pre-Recorded Community Workshop

Unable to attend a live session? We have you covered! Below you'll find links to recordings of our community workshop 'Core Offerings' in addition to other sessions like our '30-Minute Deep Dives' and 'Just in Time Learning Opportunities'! 

*At the end of each session you will be prompted to click a link to download a certificate of attendance.

Pre-Recorded Community Workshops

Core Offering Recordings

30-Minute Deep Dive Recordings

'Just in Time' Learning Recordings



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