Panorama's Default Intervention Library

  • Updated

Panorama provides a set of 45 “out-of-the-box” interventions (across academics, attendance, behavior, and life skills) that are pre-loaded into the Strategy Library on Student Success. Educators can select from these when creating intervention plans for students.

Individual educators are also able to create custom strategies if they are using an intervention strategy unique to their practice, classroom, or situation. Select district administrators have access to manage their district's intervention library and add new strategies as a default for their teams to choose from. 

Panorama's full list of interventions is available below for you to browse. You can always see this information, as well as any of your district's custom strategies, by creating a new intervention and clicking on the "Select strategy from library" button (which opens the full Strategy Library). Access this article to learn more about the strategy library on Student Success.

Panorama's Default Intervention Library

Intervention Strategy Best For How it Works
2x10 Relationship Building
(Behavior, SEL)
  • Tier 2
  • PreK-12
The 2x10 intervention is spending 2 minutes per day with a student for 10 consecutive school days to talk with the student about anything they want to talk about for relationship building or to offer extra social-emotional support.
3H Strategy for Reading Comprehension
  • Tier 2-3
  • K-12
3H is a mnemonic learning strategy that students can use to remember how to answer different types of comprehension questions. It involves the three types of question-answer relationships: here, hidden, and in my head.
4 at the Door + 1 More 
  • Tier 1-2
  • PreK-12
Use this move to connect with your students beyond the classroom material and build stronger relationships.
Asking For Help
  • Tier 2
  • K-12
Help students identify areas in their lives in which they could use support and construct an explicit request for support.
Attendance Incentive Plan
  • Tier 2-3
  • PreK-12
Create an individualized attendance success plan with the student and his/her family. Provide positive reinforcement using the student's preferred incentive when the student makes consistent progress getting to school on time.
Bear Belly Breathing
  • Tier 1-2
  • PreK-5
A simple activity for young children to help introduce them to mindful breathing.
Behavior Improvement Plan
  • Tier 3
  • PreK-12
A Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) is a written plan that teaches and rewards a desired behavior, and decreases the frequency of an unexpected or maladaptive behavior. The plan has three main parts: 1. Detailed description of the undesired behavior (frequency of occurrence, time of day, setting, reinforcers, etc) 2. Detailed description of the replacement behavior 3. Preventative strategies (changes to the physical environment or supports to make the behavior less likely) 4. Teaching strategies - meaningful practice opportunities for the replacement behavior 5. Reinforcers and supports for the desired behavior 6. Data collection plan for progress monitoring.
Body Scan

  • Tier 1-2
  • K-8
A mindfulness activity to guide students in relaxing and exploring their sensory awareness skills.
Calm-Breathing Techniques

  • Tier 1-2
  • PreK-5
Help students understand what it feels like to be calm and to learn and practice several calm-breathing techniques.
Challenge the Challenging

  • Tier 2
  • K-12
Use this move to connect with your students beyond the classroom material and build stronger relationships.
Check In, Check Out   
  • Tier 3
  • K-12
Check-In/Check-Out (CICO) is a program that provides students with immediate feedback on behavior and increased positive adult attention daily. 
Close Reading
  • Tier 1-3
  • K-12
Close Reading is a strategy for complex texts that develops the students’ understanding through multiple opportunities to read the same text. It is based on the thinking that each time the student reads the text, something new is discovered. Each time a student reads through the short, complex text, the level of thinking becomes more in depth allowing the student to grasp the reading better and better each time. Teachers must scaffold this strategy to engage the students in a deep dive of the text and influential discussion.
(Behavior, SEL)
  • Tier 3
  • PreK-12
School counselors offer counseling to help students resolve personal or interpersonal problems or target specific skills; for example improving social skills, impulse control, or regulating emotions.
Decoding Practice
  • Tier 1-3
  • K-6
Practice applying word attack skills with students to improve their reading rate and accuracy. Note - this intervention requires phonological awareness, start with "Phonological Awareness Training." Use a phonological awareness assessment, like a Letter/Sound inventory or Dibels, to determine whether or not your student already has these skills.
Direct Writing Instruction
  • Tier 1-2
  • K-8
Explicitly teach writing strategies using the Model-Practice-Reflect instructional cycle.
Emotion Menu

  • Tier 2
  • PreK-5
Use a visual aid, such as a poster, to teach students how to identify their feelings and emotions. Ask students to point to how they’re feeling, and provide strategies to help them manage their emotions.
Empathy Exercise

  • Tier 1-2
  • 6-12
Encourage students to be more empathetic and increase perceptions of “connectedness” in your classroom using a short self-reflection questionnaire.
Feelings Journal

  • Tier 1-2
  • PreK-8
Support students in becoming more aware of their feelings and what they can do to regulate strong feelings by journaling for 1 week.
Fluency Practice
  • Tier 1-2
  • K-6
Effective fluency interventions combine modeling, repeated reading, and feedback for students. Building a student's fluency frees up his/ her cognitive energy for reading comprehension.
Graphic Organizer
(ELA, Math, Other Academic)
  • Tier 1-3
  • 3-12
Graphic organizers are designed to visually represent thinking and to visually connect key ideas. Graphic organizers can serve many purposes for students, from helping them take notes in class, to recording different perspectives during a group discussion, to pre-writing, problem-solving, pre-reading, or synthesizing their thinking at the end of a lesson.
Guardian Meeting
  • Tier 1-3
  • PreK-12
Call a meeting with the student’s parents or guardians to discuss a specific concern about the student, understand the family’s perspective, and generate potential solutions. Talk to the family about ways they can play a role in supporting their child’s education.
Home Visit
  • Tier 1-3
  • PreK-12
Arrange a home visit with the goal of building a relationship with the child’s family. Seek to understand the family’s hopes and aspirations for their child, and ask the family how you can best support them and their child.
Lunch Bunch 
(Behavior, SEL)
  • Tier 2-3
  • K-12
A "Lunch Bunch" is a small group of students who meet with a teacher or counselor away from their usual lunch place. For teachers, it’s an important time to build connections and learn about students. For counselors, it's a space to work towards a specific goal. Goals and duration vary from group to group.
Make a Face
  • Tier 1-2
  • PreK-5
Children learn a simple way to “make change” – by changing their facial expression, they can change how they’re feeling and acting and, by extension, how others experience them.
Math Fact Fluency
  • Tier 1-2
  • K-8
Fluent understanding of the relationships between numbers is critical for problem solving. Build student number sense through "number talks," teaching fact families, and strategies like "counting on" and "make 10."
Math Time Drill
  • Tier 1-2
  • K-12
Timed math drills are used to improve students' speed and ease of math fact recall. The goal of math drills is to build students' automaticity, allowing them to instantly recall the answer to any math fact, freeing up cognitive energy to solve more complex problems.
Mind Sweep
  • Tier 1-2
  • K-12
Helps students reframe negative thoughts and turn them into productive energy.
Nudge Letter
  • Tier 1-2
  • PreK-12
Send a letter home to the student’s parent or guardian with information about their child’s absences. Communicate the importance of attendance, include the child’s attendance data, and compare the child’s records with other students’ attendance.
Peer Buddy/Tutoring
(ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL)   
  • Tier 2
  • 4-12
Partner the student with a peer buddy. Consider making them partners for an upcoming project, seating them next to each other, or having them each lunch together. 
Peer Mentoring
(SEL, Behavior)
  • Tier 1-2
  • 4-12
Peer mentoring is a structured relationship in which a more experienced or knowledgeable peer helps to guide a less experienced or knowledgeable peer. Models can be same grade or mixed age; one-on-one, or small group. When the focus is on building caring, empathic, and supportive relationships, the strongest effects for mentees appear to be increases in school attitudes (e.g., connectedness), relationships with adults (both teachers and parents) and peers, and improvements in internal affective states (e.g., self-esteem).
Phone Call Home
(Attendance, Behavior, SEL, ELA, Math, Other Academic)
  • Tier 1-3
  • PreK-12
There are many reasons to call home: relationship building, positive reinforcement, solicit support, or share a concern.
Phonological Awareness Training
  • Tier 2-3
  • PreK-5
Teach students to recognize and manipulate the sounds in words. This can involve detecting, deleting, segmenting, or blending segments of spoken words (i.e., words, syllables, onsets and rimes, phonemes) or identifying and producing rhymes or alliteration.
Place Value Intervention
  • Tier 2
  • K-8
Teach students a conceptual understanding of place value starting with base ten blocks.
Positive Self-Talk
  • Tier 2
  • PreK-5
Help students learn to define and practice using positive self-talk.
Rapid Positive Reinforcement
(Behavior, SEL)
  • Tier 2-3
  • PreK-8
When the student displays a positive, agreed-upon behavior, immediately deliver positive reinforcement such as praise or a reward. This can increase the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated in the future.
Repeated Readings
  • Tier 2-3
  • K-8
Repeated reading is an academic practice that aims to increase oral reading fluency. Repeated reading can be used with students who have developed initial word reading skills but demonstrate inadequate reading fluency for their grade level.
Rose, Bud, Thorn
  • Tier 1-2
  • K-12
Students will be able to identify positive moments and areas where they need support.
Self Monitoring
(Behavior, Other Academic, SEL)
  • Tier 1-3
  • K-12
Self-monitoring strategies are individualized plans used to increase independence and awareness in academic, behavioral, and social areas. The student measures and records his or her own behavior and then compares that to behavior recorded by the teacher or an academic exemplar.
Sight Word Practice
  • Tier 1-3
  • K-5
Provide additional instruction, drills, and exercises to promote students’ ability to recognize common sight words. 
Syllable Types
  • Tier 2-3
  • K-8
When a student is faced with an unknown word, students need a decoding strategy. This strategy emphasizes breaking words apart by the vowel and identifying the syllable type to break a word into small chunks.
Temperature Check
  • Tier 1-2
  • K-12
The intentional practice of proactively checking in with your students at least once per week as a way of giving students a voice by enabling them to share how they are doing and what they are thinking about their experiences in class.
The Positive Pivot
  • Tier 2
  • K-12
The Positive Pivot is a scale that is used to help students examine the different types of responses they have to conflicts and challenging situations. In this exercise, students are introduced to the Positive Pivot scale and are taught how it can be used.
Two Word Check-In 
  • Tier 1-2
  • K-5
A simple yet powerful exercise that enhances emotional awareness, promotes authenticity, and builds community.
  • Tier 1-2
  • K-12
WOOP stands for Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, and Plan. WOOP helps you to explore what your wish is as well as the barriers that hold you back from fulfilling this desire.
Word Problem Types
  • Tier 2-3
  • K-5
Teach students to recognize various problem types and determine an appropriate problem solving strategy based on the problem type.

Student Success 

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