Proctoring a Student Survey

  • Updated


As a proctor, your role is to set the tone for students who are about to take their survey. It’s important for students to know how valuable their voice is, and following best practices as a proctor will ensure quality feedback. On this page, you will find resources about how to best administer and proctor your student surveys. 



As a best practice, please complete the survey set-up process 2 to 3 weeks prior to your intended launch date! This will give our technical teams time to troubleshoot any issues that may arise. 

How should I proctor to ensure the best results?

  • Encourage students to take the survey seriously by letting them know how their feedback will be used.
  • Make sure all students are prepared to do work or read quietly after they have completed their surveys.
  • Collect all the necessary items for surveys ahead of time. Ensure that all students have access to a device to take the survey on, and a list of online access codes.
  • Review collection protocols to best protect the confidentiality of student responses.
  • Encourage survey coordinators to join a live community workshop and learn about best practices for survey administration.
  • Provide feedback to survey coordinators about best practices for survey administration.
  • If you are planning on reading survey questions aloud to students, you may want to request a copy of the survey from your school or district's survey coordinator.

Resources for Proctoring a Survey

For students:




Survey Instrument Grades 3-12 Version Bilingual Version
Student: Skills and Competency English 

English/Spanish option 1

English/Spanish option 2

Student: Supports and Environment English  Not available yet
Scales about the Classroom & Teaching English  Not available yet
Scales about the School English  Not available yet
Student: Well-Being English  Not available yet

*We've used AI to translate this content into a bilingual resource for your students. While we've done our best to ensure accuracy, there might be a few small mistakes or things that don't quite capture the intended meaning. We recommend taking a quick look through the content to make sure it works well for your classroom. 

For Educators:

Download our customizable Proctor Guides to proctor surveys in your classroom. Download our customizable Proctor Guides to proctor surveys in your classroom. If teachers need additional materials to use while proctoring in their classrooms, download the customizable Proctor Slides. You can find and download our Proctor Guides and Slides below:

Proctor Guides and Slides 

IMPORTANT: Students most often use their student ID as their access code. The survey-taking site is[yourdistrictURL]. If you are unsure of your client URL, please contact us at


Take Action

Learn more about the importance of student voice!  Download resources to facilitate discussions and empower student voices with elementary and secondary students. 

Post-Survey Administration Activity Ideas

If you are looking to engage students in explicit instruction related to specific topics on their survey, this article includes a set of recommended Playbook strategies aligned with several of Panorama’s most popular survey topics.  

Feedback Surveys

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